Monday, May 14, 2018

Queen Victoria Biography | Victoria Day 24 May 2018

Queen Victoria Biography | Victoria Day 2018

Full Name: Alexandrina Victoria
Birth: 24 May 1819
Birth of Place: London, England, United Kingdom
Father: Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn
Mother: Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld
Spouse: Albert, Prince Consort
Height: 1.52 m

Queen Victoria - Queen Victoria boosted her reputation by leaving the impression of her personality, temperament and personality. The expansion of the British Empire, the fragile state of the crown and the time of the world's massive change, in such an unstable position, the Queen of Victoria handled the British power with full power. The mark of their abilities too was so timely that at that time the 'Victorian era' is called. There was a major social and political change in Britain at this time.

During the reign of Queen Victoria, the English Empire spread far and wide all over the world. For the same reason, one time came to say, "Sun never sets over the English empire". In his time Britain's economy turned into further industrialization. The result is far ahead of the world. England came forward as the world's advanced nation. In the long run of the queen, the democracy became mature and widespread. At that time, the fate of celebrating the Golden Festival was to Victoria.

Queen Victoria was born on 1819. He became Queen of England at the age of 18. The new queen was welcomed by the public with great enthusiasm. The 'Victorian era' started from here.

Victorian Era -  By taking responsibility for throne seriously, Queen Victoria looked at all the smallest bottoms of administration. In the hands of the queen, the kings were the honor of the history of England. But there was a reducing bloodless revolution in their importance. After 1832, the constitution and form of parliament changed with the Parliamentary Reform criteria of England. The strong winds of open trade policy were spreading in England. For this reason, after 1833, the East India Company canceled trade concession and opened trade to English citizens. These changes increased after the arrival of the Queen of Victoria and she was fluent.

Queen Victoria was definitely a harsh politician. Queen Victoria declared the 'Queen' of Indian states. He broadcast his manifesto on his name. This declaration further made the pillar of the British empire in India.

Africa, Egypt, Sudan, Natal, South Africa etc. The important provinces came under their empire. England also increased its influence in East Asia. At the end of the nineteenth century, the glory of this magnificence is believed, then his leadership leads to Queen Victoria.

Queen Victoria died on January 23, 1901. The end of a great era.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

American Civil War ( United States from 1861 to 1865 ) | 20 May 2018

American Civil War (1861 to 1865) | 20 May 2018

American Civil War in 1861 to 1865 war was started between states of America. This war knows as American Civil War or Civil WarIn this war, the North American wanted to retain federal unity and wanted to remove slavery from all over the country. In American history, this party is formally called 'union' (Union) and informally called 'Yankee'. Dividing the southern state of America, they wanted to create a new nation named 'Confederate States of America', the Confederate States of America.

In which white people of European descent, white people have the right to buy and sell African descent black people. The southern side is formally called 'Confederacy' and informally called 'Rebel' (Rebel, Rabal, i.e. Rebel) or 'Dixie'. More than 6 million American soldiers were killed (correct number 6, 20,000) in this war.

Introduction to war (American Civil War)

It would not be fair to say that this war is about slavery. In fact this seed of this struggle had been sown very long and it was the result of mutual opposition in different ideologies. Residents of the North were more satisfied and prosperous as a result of geographical conditions, traffic congestion and industrial success. Many African slaves were brought here from Africa in the 17th and 18th centuries in agricultural-oriented southern states and they used to work in agriculture.

Therefore, the southern state did not want to free these nephew slaves. All North American States had made laws to slow down the slavery till 1804. The arrival of the machine age increased the gap between north and south. Using the northern resident machine, he started making progress in the financial sector. Their coal and iron production increased and there many factory started working. The population also grew rapidly. The people of the southern states were just based on agriculture and they did not progress with the era. The population here has not increased even faster.

America's trading policy was beneficial for the northern states, but the south could not benefit from it. The trade policy was opposed in the south and the South started to make it invalid. He was an independent business follower, so that he could send his raw material to foreign without control and buy things made according to his needs. South Carolina, according to Jan Kuhlen, each state had full authority to accept or reject any policy of the United States. Struggles increased. Under the auspices of the Constitution, the states of North and South are making full efforts to confirm their opinion.

Problem of Texas

In addition to business controls, this protest increased more about slavery. During the Andrew Jackson's time in protest against slavery in the northern states and the effort of maintaining it in the southern states, the second root cause of civil war was caused. South said that it is compulsory to exercise authority over Texas and to Mexico. They wanted to maintain the number of equals in the Senate. In 1844, Massachusetts' Section passed the resolution that the United Nations Constitution is irrevocable and rights on Texas are invalid.

The Southites further said that if slavery was stopped then they would be separated from the United States. The question of slavery has also entered the religious area in addition to the political field. For this, the Methodist Church also has two northern and southern teams. Both of them attracted religious institutions. Although the Wig and the Democrats wanted to separate the problem in the election of President of 1848 AD, however, this election divided the public into two parts which basically had been divided on geographical basis.

The struggle became even more dense. The question of keeping or abducting slavery in the land acquired by the Mexicans in the war was complex. The south wanted to keep it. Because it was in their area, but the inhabitants of the North were completely against the principle of slavery and were not ready to keep it in the new place. The streams of northern states opposed it, but on the contrary, public meetings were held in support of Slavery in the south. The Storm of Virginia strongly opposed the resolution passed in the Assembly of the Northern States and the people there decided to take the iron from the United States. An agreement was reached in 1850 AD under which California joined the United States as a separate state and slavery was removed in Colombia.

Ten million dollars were given to Texas and a new law was passed to return the fledged slaves. It did not follow. The state of the north did not return the runaway rascals to their owners. The situation became serious due to this. In the famous Dread Scott controversy, Judge Tony decided with a majority that under the legislation neither the national parliament (senate) nor any other state of state can remove slavery from any region. Contrary to this, Lincoln said that any state can remove slavery within its borders. There has been an internal opposition in these political parties.

Lincoln was elected President in 1860 AD. Lincoln said that if there is a house break, then the house can not go on for a long time. This United States can not be divided into half-independent and half-slaves. After the announcement of the presidential election, South Carolina called a conference in which the proposal to separate from the United States was passed unanimously. 1861 AD Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas have followed this policy until February. Thus, from November 1860 to March, 1861 AD Until, the central government relaxed in Washington

1861 AD Peace convergence took place in Washington in February, but shortly after 12 April 1861, the artillery guns of the provincial states dissolved the peace of the Tristan port. "Confederate" launched a civil war by firing at Fort Sumter, displayed here.

Civil War Points

The war front was mainly three - the kingdom of the sea, the Mississippi Valley and the east coast. At the beginning of the war, the entire navy was in the hands of the United States, but it was scattered and weak. Export of cotton to Europe from the siege of the South Coast and from there the complete import of essential items for the South, dynamite, textiles and medicine etc. were completely stopped. The United States fleet surrendered to New Orleans, the largest city in the south. United States Army also won many wins in the Mississippi Valley.

Virginia Confederates got equal success. 1863 AD The war started in no good for the North, but in July the war was overturned. 1864 AD The end of the war began to look clear On February 17, the Confederates vacated the capital of South Carolina. Transiston came to the United States. On April 13, a celebration was held in Washington, after surrendered by undisputed leader of the South, Robert E. Lee. After the end of civil war, the rigidity of the southern states was not adopted, but the Congress made a legal impression on the independence of slaves by presenting the 13th Amendment in the Constitution.

Reason of American Civil War

After the American War of Independence, the United States was established on the map of the world as an independent nation and replaced the federal government system by making the world's first written constitution. In this freedom struggle, all the American states had fought together against colonialism, but in the 1860s the civil war broke out between the American states. Some historians believe that in the American War of Independence, seeds of civil war were contained, some considered the civil war as a capitalist movement, and some historians have held slavery as responsible for civil war.
  • Economic inequality among northern and southern states
  • Question of conservation
  • Slavery Issue
  • Constitutional issues related to slavery
  • Election of Abraham Lincoln